Zorba the Buddha hosts regular festivals through the year. They give you the chance to spend a few days surrounded by the blissful oasis of Zorba the Buddha, experiencing the cosmopolitan atmosphere of an international festival. Our festivals draw people from all over India, and around the world. Zorba the Buddha’s motto of creativity, consciousness and celebration is fully embodied in our festivals. Music is at the heart of it always, live music to listen and dance to, certainly, but our participants like to play music too. Zorba the Buddha is a place where everyone comes together to make things happen for themselves. Creativity and celebration expressed in decoration, dance, drumming, and dress as well as the live music. Consciousness is always there too, the spiritual dimension, as in the recent International Festival of Sufism, our regular co-created Tattva Festival, and the Osho International Festival. Whether you come to dance, play music, or just hang out with like-minded souls in a beautiful place, the prolonged stay of a festival will bring a sense of connection, belonging and peace, that is only hinted at in shorter events.