Do-It-Yourself Gardening Workshop

Imagine creating a mini garden in a pot with cute little pebble patio, a pond, miniature plants and lots of little accessories like mushrooms, bugs, garden benches and more.

With demonstrations and hands on help; you will be taught simple techniques to transform succulents, sand, soil, pebbles etc into rejuvenating little gardens.

Getting our hands dirty working in the lap of nature, will not only be a fun activity but creatively stimulating too.

As a gift, each participant will get to take their creation home!

To top it, we will also give away a miniature notice board for you to write your very own personalised message.

You don’t need to bring anything with you. We will provide you with the entire kit.

Kit includes: decorative ceramic pot, miniature plants, miniature garden accessories, patio work material, gloves and other necessary items. You come empty handed and take a finished miniature garden home to nurture and cherish.

* Please wear loose and comfortable clothes.

* This program is open to everyone; you can list this in the media.

Facilitator’s Bio: Shilpa Chauhan

Shilpa Chauhan is currently the head of design at Ferns N Petals, an alumnus of prestigious NIFT having worked with companies like Landmark Group India, Marks and Spencer UK etc.

Hailing from Shimla she always had an eye for green landscapes. As they say once a mountain girl, always a mountain girl.

She learnt the art of professional miniature gardening in the UK and came back to India to pursue it further as a lifestyle hobby.

So far, she has introduced the concept in cities like Hyderabad, Chandigarh and Shimla.

She is now bringing the art to Zorba the Buddha, in New Delhi!

Date: 6th October 2019

Timings: 10:45 AM – 1:00 PM

Contact: Gautam

Phone: +91 8929669101


Please call between 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM IST

Do-It-Yourself Gardening Workshop (October 2019) : Would you like to know more?

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